Caspian Combined Cycle Power Plant
Installation and Precommissioning of Main Islands of Caspian Combined Cycle Power Plant including following activities:
The project of installation and construction of Caspian Combined Cycle Power Plant (single shaft) class F with a capacity of 460 MW with 57% efficiency is in Nowshahr.
Installation and Precommissioning of Main Islands of Caspian Combined Cycle Power Plant including following activities:
Gas Turbine (type: V94.3 class- F) including auxiliary and accessories equipment with total weight of 690 tons.
Steam Turbine including auxiliary and accessories equipment with total weight of 285 tons.
Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) including auxiliary and accessories equipment with total weight of 4851 tons.
Generator (common in gas and steam generators) with total weight of 2148 tons.
Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) including auxiliary and accessories equipment with total weight of 2148 tons.
Other activities such as main and auxiliary transformer, piping and cabling are also included in this contract.
Execution of civil operations and main concrete structures of the power plant
Construction of Control Flooding Channel (in the form of U shape and concrete caps) with length of 527 meters and over 1400 cubic – meters concreting.
Power Plant boundary wall with length of 650 meters and 1500 cubic – meters concreting.
Construction of Firefighting Storage Tank with capacity of 3600 cubic – meters, with length of 30 meters, width of 15 meters and height of 8 meters and over 1500 cu-meters concreting including insolation and hydro test.
Supply, construction and implementation of metal fences around the power plant with a length of 650 meters
Foundation of elevated water tank with more than 60 cu-meters concreting.
Foundation of decriminalized water tank with more than 60 cu-meters concreting.
Foundation of condensate receiver tank with more than 30 cu-meters concreting.
Internal and external access roads of the power plant including blockage, bedding (base and sub-base), surface and final asphalt